Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Big Book Sale @ Sandown Library, 27th September ...

Minutes of the AGM Meeting held 22nd July 2014

Apologies: Wendy, Diane, Heather   Absent: Ian, Maria

Attending:  Donna, Eileen, Robert, Susan, John, Conrad, Laura, Janet, Tim, Jenny

1.    The Minutes of the last meeting were agreed.  Apologies were given, absence noted and attendance taken as above. It was agreed that in future we will run with the meeting dates as agreed to avoid problems associated with trying to change dates to suit all at a late stage.

2.    Conrad Kirvan formally presented the accounts to date after many problems in setting up a bank account and balancing the available receipts, dated from January 2013.

  The Constitution has been amended thus. As part of this change, Conrad has:
·    Met with the Committee and staff to formally discuss the accounts.
·    Closed the account at Barclays in Shanklin and opened a new account at Lloyds in Sandown. This has been formalized with new signatories.

Future financial actions must be formalized with an invoice and receipt system please. Previous fundraising events have been accounted for except the ‘Lucky Dip’ and the Pie and Mash event. Petty cash from staff can be used for small amounts and a cheque issued for other matters.The agreement from the last meeting to give £100 pm for book stock has been rescinded.

3.    Update from previous events/action points: 

·    Upstairs – No Progress.
a)    Jenny’s planned community room now looks unlikely. However, the Historical Society may be able to use some room for their exhibits. Also, Bruce Mardle of the Film Festival is thinking of running a film club upstairs. He needs a projector, audio equipment and blackout blinds to accomplish this. He is investigating this at present. 
b)    Curtains for Upstairs – large room. These are very shabby now. However there is no money available to replace. 

·    Outside – No Progress.
·    The Management at last replaced old fencing with metal railings. It was hoped that we could focus now on updating this ‘garden’ area, however Jenny feels that this plan is untenable due to possible problems with the upstairs neighbour and the awkward access.  Jenny suggested a ‘wild garden’ instead.
·    Janet will talk to Jewsons with the aim of delaying any available help.

Children’s Library area – Actioned. This area has been cleaned up with a coat of paint. No news re a decoration for this wall?
The previous Quiz & Chips event was very successful and it is believed we may be able to expand the number of people attending in future. However, more people are needed to help at these events as the people involved feel it could be better managed with extra help.
Note was made that we need more people in the group to be able to offer help. We also need to increase active publicity. It is suggested that we increase proactive recruitment at the above events. We could also explore the possibility of giving out library stickers to increase awareness. A good suggestion is to have an open morning, or coffee morning for Friends. 
Jenny also noted that the staff finds it difficult to manage the publicity work, and to staff the events, also it is difficult in managing volunteers. Robert has agreed to help in this area.
4.    Committee appointments:  Officers did not step down, but an informal discussion led to them being re-appointed in their current roles (due to lack of available volunteers) with Tim Sedgwick joining Janet in managing the event liaison.

5.    Any Other Business
Britain’s Got Talent – August. Janet is organising this to take place in the Sandringham Hotel on August 12th.  Adverts have been placed to get applicants for auditions. It was agreed that we should purchase a cup as prize. Janet will update us.
October – Wear It Pink Tea Party.
Eileen suggested looking into holding a Spelling Bee.

Next meetings: 9th October 2014 and 8th January 2015.