Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Friends feature in The Beacon ...

Hooray, Friends of Sandown library have been mentioned in The Beacon, a local source of news on the Isle of Wight. Why not help us out too and spread the news of the Friends within the local community?

Blossoms and Books

The Friends of Sandown Library would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came out and supported us this Saturday 26th May 2012.

As well as a huge thanks to all the Friends for their work behind the scenes, and the time they spent volunteering throughout the day, we would also like to add an additional thanks to ...

The library staff, Jenny and Louise, for their constant support.

Donna, the Friends Chairperson, for being the first to arrive and the last to leave, bringing with her an array of goodies. The spider plants were especially exciting!

Deborah, for that massive selection of gardening magazines and books, and for providing those posters to direct everyone.

Rita Oxford, for those yummy cakes.

Janet, for finding the prize sponsors and trapsing around town to help publicise this great event.

Wendy and Susan, for their generous contributions and for their time.

Eileen for the lovely posters and help with publicity, and for buying in refreshments!

Everyone's contribution has been greatly appreciated!! We managed to raise £60.00, our first step on the ladder, and not a bad one either.

If you would like to be added to the list for a special mention, please let us know at

Friday 18 May 2012

Friends of Sandown Library: Minutes No3. of meeting held 17th May 2012 at 6pm

Friends of Sandown Library    
Minutes No.3 of Meeting held: 17th May 2012 at 6pm

Members Present
Donna                                Chair
Robert                                Deputy Chair
Eileen                                 Secretary
Laura                                  Press Officer
Friends Present


Agenda –      Any business arising
To discuss updates for the ‘Blossoms & Books’ Event 26th May
Any other business
1.    Apologies given for Ian and Heather
2.    Louise announced that the FoSL group had raised approximately £25 so far; balance to be given to Ian for banking after any costs for the event are subtracted. (See below)
3.    Thanks given to Laura for her hard work in setting up facebook pages and in making contacts for press releases.
4.    Donna to speak to the local radio station.
5.    Ian is chasing the Noticeboard action

Event - Task Updates

Action by      
Posters -  Distribute in town, local area,     All – Louise to circulate to libraries
Eileen has altered poster to enlarge location – posters can be picked up from Library as needed
Sponsors: Janet has found sponsors for prizes locally, they did not want to pay for or man a table but she will pick up prizes from them. * They will be mentioned in a ‘Donations by’ list
Direction posters / Library: The art group or Deborah will make posters directing people upstairs

Louise – Please find flowers for decoration!
Donations – pricing & List    Paperbacks 50p   Hardbacks £1  or individually priced subject to quality
Plants – each donor to price

Louise to make a *Donated By list
Louise to make any tickets

Note to all: Please keep receipts for purchases    Eileen to buy ten green tablecloths (if poss)

Susan to buy disposable cups £1 for 20 at Poundland

Janet to buy tea, coffee, biscuits etc
Suggest 50p per cup?
Tea table to be set up on landing
Press Releases / Info  
Laura – contact Jan Woodnutt re CP Diary
And any other press contacts

Jenny – supply camera and take photos
Raffle    Donna to buy raffle book
Tickets - £1 per strip
Table to be set up and manned by Donna

Prizes  and donations can be brought into the library prior to event or on the day
Set up and management   
We will meet at 10.00 to set up tables etc

Eileen will attend at 1pm – 2pm subject to work

Laura will attend subject to work

Any Other Business; 
1.  Suggestions for next events include a sandcastle competition for the summer hols.,  A FoSL logo competition.,  A ‘Like Facebook’ competition with a prize. To be discussed.
2.  FoSL requires all members and friends supply their details please, to the Secretary as agreed.
3. Should there be any queries, suggestions or problems, alterations to be made to Minutes, posters, press information etc, please contact either the Chair (Donna)  Eileen (Sec) Laura (PR) or other person involved so that action can be taken at the time.
4. The next meeting will be held Thursday 14th June at 6pm.

Friday 11 May 2012

Sandown Library has new Friends!

Friends of Sandown Library (FoSl) are a recently established, non-profit, community group, dedicated to supporting the library through a means of fundraising and promotion.
We are a small group of indivuals from a broad spectrum of the community who offer their free time to support Sandown library, whether it be fundraising, promotion of activities either via word of mouth or online, or even just by sparing a few hours to help out.
But what exactly do the 'Friends' do, you ask?
Well, apart from drinking lots of cups of tea, it is the 'Friends' ambition to raise awareness within the community about the many resources and events that the library has on offer; such as bi-weekly creative writing classes, computer lessons, knit and natters, and so much more - all free of charge. 
And how do we expect to acheive this moutainous feat? As a new organization we have started out with baby steps, for example by making flyers, updating a regular blog, by having a facebook page:, and also by spreading news - the good ol' fashioned way - by word of mouth. We will keep a folder at Sandown Library so that those who prefer not to use a computer, can still follow the 'Friends'.
In addition, the 'Friends' will be holding regular fundraising events. Our next event - Blossoms and Books' - is being held at Sandown Library on the 26th May from 11am. With books and plants for sale, and a fantastic raffle with fun prizes, it's sure to be a winner. Please do come along and support us! 

If you want to help out your local Friends of Sandown Library, please do join us at our events.  You can also 'like' us on facebook and 'follow' us on twitter. If you have goods to donate or a little time to spare, or if you would like some further information, you can reach us at or you can pop in to Sandown Library and leave a message at the desk.

Blossoms and Books ...

The next FoSL (Friends of Sandown Library) event is 'Blossoms and Books' on Saturday May 26th from 11am, where - if you can't guess by the title - we will be selling plants and books and raffle tickets. We are urging local residents to donate any goods we could sell on, or just to come in and support the library by having a cuppa and a chat!

So please come along. There will be a fantastic raffle with lots of prizes and the chance to help our library raise funds towards a building 'mini-makeover!'
If you have any further question or if you would like to put you name down to help out, you can either reach us at our e-mail:, or at our facebook page: ... 

Friday 4 May 2012

Free Creative Writing Workshops at Sandown Library...

Janet runs a creative writing workshop every other Thursday at Sandown library, from 3pm - 5pm. Here, Janet talks a little about the workshop and how it got started.

After doing a degree course ,( Community Arts ) thro,Portsmouth University ,  in my 50s , I wanted to carry on writing for fun.So I started a creative writing course for the U3A , University of the third age.That group filled up quickly showing that lots of people wanted to write! But from the inquires I received for that group, I could see it wasn,t just third agers who had lots of interesting things to say.... 

Hence, the Sandown Library Creative Writing Group. For all writers,of all ages, from beginners to published writers and just for fun writers.Where it take us is the exciting bit! Whether its memoirs for the family, wonderful poems, closure on life events,or even scripts for stand up comedy.Some may be inspired to start that novel,some may just enjoy the writing games we play.But we will all release and increase our imaginations,thats for sure.
You can join Janet in Sandown library every other Thursday from 3pm through till 5pm.  For more information contact Janet at home, 404387, or speak with the Library staff for more information.