Wednesday 30 May 2012

Blossoms and Books

The Friends of Sandown Library would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came out and supported us this Saturday 26th May 2012.

As well as a huge thanks to all the Friends for their work behind the scenes, and the time they spent volunteering throughout the day, we would also like to add an additional thanks to ...

The library staff, Jenny and Louise, for their constant support.

Donna, the Friends Chairperson, for being the first to arrive and the last to leave, bringing with her an array of goodies. The spider plants were especially exciting!

Deborah, for that massive selection of gardening magazines and books, and for providing those posters to direct everyone.

Rita Oxford, for those yummy cakes.

Janet, for finding the prize sponsors and trapsing around town to help publicise this great event.

Wendy and Susan, for their generous contributions and for their time.

Eileen for the lovely posters and help with publicity, and for buying in refreshments!

Everyone's contribution has been greatly appreciated!! We managed to raise £60.00, our first step on the ladder, and not a bad one either.

If you would like to be added to the list for a special mention, please let us know at

1 comment:

  1. We mustn't forget all those generous business people from Sandown who donated gifts for our raffle: Garden Gifts, Glory Art Glass, Wight Discount, Toymaster, Baileys, Caulkheads, Eileen Schaff, Sainsburys, P&J News, G.E.F.T, the Carnival shop, Bygone Days and all the volunteers who left gifts. What a brilliant raffle with some really amazing prizes (please forgive me if I've forgotten anyone!!). I would also like to thank Wendy for her suggestion of this fundraiser, and for Jenny and Louise who put up with us all!!
